Georg-Simmel Center for Urban Studies







Current Projects



Urban Vibrations: How Physical Waves Come to Matter in Contemporary Urbanism (Prof. Farías)

Cities are critical zones where the intermingling of environmental processes, infrastructural arrangements and human lives is increasingly apparent and disputed. Physical waves, particularly heat radiation, sound waves and radio frequencies, constitute major environmental disturbances that invisibly cross the urban built environment affecting bodies, human and nonhuman, in harmful and uncertain ways. By asking how they come to matter, this project explores how waves become associated to specific bodies and environments, as well as how they become matters of public concern and design intervention. To answer these questions, this project entails extended ethnographic fieldwork at key locations where urban projects aimed at mitigating the urban heat island effect, abating environmental noise and building 5th generation wireless communication networks are currently unfolding.

funding program ERC Consolidator Grant
partner Prof. Dr. Tobias Kuemmerle, Geography HU Berlin


Geographical Imaginations: Ontological (In)Securities in Rural Areas (Prof. Helbrecht)

The subproject “Geographic Imaginations II” adopts an international comparative perspective in order to examine the refiguration of rural spaces with regard to its effects on subjective geographical imaginations and related notions of security. We will empirically analyze how spatial conceptions of different population groups (especially in relation to age, gender, and social status) are undergoing significant changes due to processes of globalization, debordering, dis-embedding, re-embedding, and mediatization – leading to existential, subjective insecurities.

funding program DFG CRC 1265
partner TU Berlin, FU Berlin IRS Erkner


Urban Microclimate Planning Regimes: The Constitution of Spaces and Infrastructures of Heat (Prof. Farías)

Starting from a conceptualization of the city as critical zone of the Anthropocene, the subproject investigates the refiguration of urban spaces associated with microclimatic adaptation strategies. The project’s empirical focus therefore lies on the current formation of a microclimate regime in urban development contexts aimed at mitigating negative effects of creeping thermal stress on human and non-human life in the city. Using the interrelated examples of two pioneering cities with respect to microclimatic adaption strategies – namely Stuttgart in Germany and Fukuoka in Japan – three moments of the regime forming process will be examined from the perspective of spatial sociology: a) the problematization of urban heat, which is linked to certain socio-spatial arrangements of heat and affectedness; b) the infrastructuring of heat-resilient spaces, which is characterized by material-political strategies and conflicts with existing practices and infrastructures; and c) the translocal circulation of the microclimatic regime, which reveals variations in the associated refiguration of spaces.

funding program DFG CRC 1265
partner TU Berlin, FU Berlin IRS Erkner


Stock Development through Public-Civic partnerships. Forms of Cooperation, Controversies and Modelling Attempts of the Model Projects of Cooperative Urban Development in Berlin. (Haus der Statistik und Rathausblock Kreuzberg) (Prof. Farías)

In 2016, the Berlin Senate designated two inner-city areas as model projects for community-oriented, cooperative urban development: the Haus der Statistik in Mitte and the Rathausblock Kreuzberg. Existing buildings are to be renovated and supplemented with new buildings to create affordable space for housing, administration and commerce. Newly created decision-making structures and mediating institutions have given rise to public-civic partnerships here, whose potential for public welfare-oriented building and urban development needs to be explored. Building on literature from organizational studies, social science technology and science studies, and cultural and social anthropology, we explore the idiosyncrasies and characteristics of the model projects studied.

funding program ZukunftBau Forschungsförderung, BMI


Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe's cities (Dr. Shea & PD Dr. Oevermann)

This action will explore how place-making activities such as public art, civic urban design, and local knowledge production reshape and reinvent public space and enhance citizen participation in urban planning and design. Placemaking implies the multiplication and fragmentation of actors that shape public space. The aim of the action is to enable citizens* to contribute to different ways of interpreting local identities in European cities through citizen knowledge, digitalization and placemaking.

funding program Cost Action
partner EU (14 partner)


Trash Games. Playing with the Circular Economy at Haus der Materialisierung (Prof. Farías)

The project brings together the Department of Circular Economy and Recycling Technologies (TU Berlin) and the Urban Laboratory for Multimodal Anthropology (HU Berlin) to develop and explore games and game design as formats of public engagement with the Circular Economy (CE). We are experimenting with games as a particular form of science communication that enable accessible, speculative, and interactive forms of participation by non-homogeneous publics in complex issues. In collaboration with actors from the civil society platform “Haus der Materialisierung” in the Berlin model project for community-oriented neighborhood development Haus der Statistik, we will develop a game that explores potentials and conflicts in the societal transition to a collaborative-driven circular economy.

funding program BUA Experimentallabore für Wissenschaftskommunikation
partner TU Berlin



Urban Citizenship-Making at Times of Crisis. Building local-level resilience among migrants in Berlin, Copenhagen and Tel-Aviv (Dr. Lebuhn)

This project looks at the social and political consequences of the Corona crisis in the urban context. The focus will be on the role of neighborhood organizations in providing access to information and resources under pandemic conditions, especially for migrants. The project is comparative and works with case studies in Berlin, Copenhagen and Tel Aviv. In this way, different framework conditions for local action will be taken into account.

funding program Volkswagen Foundation (program focus „Corona Crisis and Beyond - Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society“)
partner Dr. Nir Cohen (Tel Aviv) und Dr. Tatiana Fogelman (Copenhagen)


Open Heritage: Organizing, Promoting and Enabling Heritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment (PD Dr. Oevermann, Dr. Kip)

Today, dealing with cultural heritage is a significant aspect of urban development. With many years of expertise in this research area, the Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Studies is participating in the international research project “Open Heritage: Organizing, Promoting and Enabling Heritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment” from June 2018 to May 2022. The project promotes the re-use of neglected and non-touristy cultural heritage sites with the help of a transferable management model and the promotion of civil society engagement. The EU is supporting the European consortium consisting of 16 partner institutions through the Horizon2020 funding line.

funding program EU, Horizon 2020
partner Coordinator: Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest


The World Down my Street (Prof. Blokland)

The subproject investigates how increased spatial mobility affects social network relationships and their spatial arrangements, how spaces are constituted in social networks through a heterogenization of action references, and whether and how these spaces can be used as resources by residents. From the perspective of a sociology of social inequality, the project asks how, under conditions of increased mobility and translocal experiences, social networks are accessed, created and transformed, and how their resources are used to cope with or improve one’s own life situation. From a spatial sociological perspective, the project investigates whether and how the constitution and activation of networks make translocal use of locally bound preconditions, generate polycontextural references, and thus produce new spatial consolidations.

funding program DFG CRC 1265
partner TU Berlin, FU Berlin IRS Erkner


Past Projects


Urban Paradoxes in Times of Crisis (Prof. Blokland)

State interventions move between control & care, also in the current pandemic: (new) control measures are implemented for the protection of the population. Partners in São Paulo, Santiago, Abidjan, Barcelona & Berlin use their expertise on contexts of different authoritarian & democratic regimes to develop a research agenda that explores this tension. The focus is on the consequences for urban participation & inequality of health opportunities.

funding program Berlin Center for Global Engagement, BUA
partner TU Berlin, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Université de Bouaké, Universidad Católica de Chile, Universitat de Barcelona


Connecting Urbanity in and between North and South Africa from the Perspective of Justice and Accessibility. Reflections on Planning Practice & Theory from multiple case studies in Egypt and South Africa (Prof. Farías)

In the last Urban Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Goals 4, 10 and 11 respectively addressed the issues of quality of education, reducing In-equality, and sustainable cities and communities. In this proposal we are addressing these goals in two African counties: Egypt and South Africa representing the Northern and Southern African contexts. Both countries share similar challenges in the urban planning practices that affect socio-spatial justice, equality and accessibility in the city. Accordingly, we propose investigating multiple local case studies in cities such as Cairo, Alexandria, Cape Town and Johannesburg in order to understand and reflect on the practices of planning in the different Global North and Global South contexts. The themes are: 1) Planning theory & education; 2) Planning politics & urban policy; 3) Planning practice, field & civil society.

funding program Berlin Center for Global Engagement, BUA
partner Prof. Jörg Stollman, TU Berlin


Converting historic textile-industry complexes in European cities: A typology of urban spatial structures of textile-industry complexes, and best conservation and enhancement practices for their conversion (PD Dr. Oevermann)

Converting historic industrial complexes is a new and important task in many European cities. Architectural and planning practices show that historic industrial complexes are composed of urban spatial structures that might be conserved and enhanced during conversion to new uses. For research, the question arises, of what constitutes best practice for conservation and enhancement when converting historic industrial complexes. Best practice will be discussed and identified on basis of five criteria coming from debates in architecture and conservation.

funding program DFG - Module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators
partner TICCIH, Deutsches Technikmuseum


Geographical Imaginations: Security and Insecurity in Generational Comparison (Prof Helbrecht)

The project “Geographical Imaginations: People’s Sense of Security and Insecurity in a Cross-Generational Comparison” focuses on the extent in which the increase in complexity and re-figuration of spaces is expressed in security-related geographical imaginations. Subjective spatial knowledge will be empirically examined by conducting group discussions and problem-oriented interviews (both based on photo-elicitation) at three different places (Vancouver, Berlin, Singapore). We will analyze the geographical imaginations of 15–30-year-olds, 35–50-year-olds and 55–70-year-olds. Using the visual methodology of photo-elicitation, we want to particularly shed light on the emotional and affective dimension of security-related spatial knowledge. It is for the first time that a research project investigates the subjective spatial knowledge of different age groups in a polycontextural way at three different study sites, thus allowing for a comprehensive analysis of the contours of a global re-figuration of spaces.

funding program DFG CRC 1265
partner TU Berlin, FU Berlin IRS Erkner


RECIPES (Reconciling Science, Innovation and Precaution through the Engagement of Stakeholders), Subproject: “Precaution and Financial Risks in Implementing the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive: Cities Investing in Water Infrastructures” (Prof Mieg)

Many European cities are facing the challenges of massively overhauling their urban water infrastructures. This is due both to the requirements of the European Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD), and the fact that most of their main water infrastructures were installed in the 19th century and now have an outdated structure (exacerbated by climate change, especially in coastal locations). We will focus on the specific role and risks of financial R&I in these city investments and conduct a case study involving two cities (London, Milan).

funding program Horizon2020/SwafS
partner Universities of Maastricht (Netherlands) and Bergen (Norway); IASS Potsdam; Danish Board of Technology, Copenhagen; Dutch Academy of Sciences KNAW; Austrian Academy of Sciences; Applied Research and Communication Fund Bulgaria; Dialogik GmbH, Stuttgart; Ecologik GmbH, Berlin; Conoscenza e Innovazione, Rome


Vernetzte Daten Kompetenz (Dr. Holm, Dr. Schultze)

The aim of the application is to develop strategies and establish working platforms for interdisciplinary media use and data archiving in the field of urban research at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

funding program funding program 2020 für digitale Medien in Forschung, Lehre und Studium
partner CMS HU Berlin


Workshop: Working/Class/City (Prof. Blokland)

The aim of the workshop is to bring together anthropologists, sociologists and geographers from four CENTRAL-partners to develop a multi-disciplinary shared research perspective on the development of class as social science concept and as lived practice or ‘culture’ in the context of post-socialist de-industrialization and the development of service- and platform economy, and develop a collaborative research agenda. Starting from the idea that not only political systemic changes into post-socialist cities, but also the changing nature of work in neoliberal economies affect people’s lives in the last 30 years, it brings together scholars from Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and, as a contrasting case, the United Kingdom (where work disappeared and affected class-based communities and practices under capitalism) to explore possibilities for a shared research project, for which we will explore funding options, or graduate students’ group application (Graduiertenkolleg).

funding program Central European Network/ Central Workshop 2020
partner Charles University, ELTE, University if Warsaw, University of Vienna


Modern Heritage to Future Legacy: Conservation and Conversion of Modern Industrial Heritage Sites as an Integral Part of Urban Development in the Middle East: The Case of Iran and Egypt (PD Dr. Oevermann)

This research project intends to contribute to the growing field of research on modern industrial heritage in the countries of Iran and Egypt and to build local capacities for successful participatory conversion and adaptive re-use through a series of workshops involving post-graduate students, junior and senior researchers and local experts.

funding program Berlin Center for Global Engagement, BUA
partner Tarbiat Modares University, Architecture and Urban Planning, Iran, TU Berlin


Einkommen, Miete, Ungleichheit. Analyse der Wohnverhältnisse in deutschen Großstädten (2006-2018) (Dr. Holm)

The research project “Income, Rent, and Inequality” is based on an updated and in-depth analysis of housing conditions as an effect and cause of social inequality. In former studies on housing provision we were able to show a fundamental lack of affordable housing for households with low income in mostly all large cities. In the course of this follow-up study, the key figures on housing conditions and supply situations will be refreshing with new data. Questions from the research project are directed at the (1) impact of income inequality on housing conditions, (2) the impact of housing costs on the structure of social inequality in the German cities, and (3) the provision with affordable housing in the large cities.

funding program Hans Böckler Stiftung




The publications of GSZ members are arranged under the following keywords:



Cultural Heritage


Oevermann, H., & Mieg, H. A. (2021). Urban Development Planning and World Cultural Heritage: Two Perspectives of Planning Practice Dealing with Industrial Heritage. Planning Practice & Research, 1-12.

Kip, M., & Young, D. (2020). 9 The Paradox of Preserving Modernism: Heritage Debates at Alexanderplatz, Berlin. Socialist and Post-Socialist Urbanisms: Critical Reflections from a Global Perspective, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Oevermann, H. (2018). Industrial Heritage, Historic Architecture, and Today’s Transformations of Cities. In: Contemporary Urban Research in the European City - Europe Now (Issue 17/May 2018).

Oevermann, H./Frank, S./Gantner, E. (Hrsg.) (2016). Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte. Themenschwerpunkt Städtisches Erbe - Urban Heritage. Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik.

Mieg, H. A. & Oevermann, H. (Hrsg.) (2014). Industrial Heritage Sites in Transformation: Clash of Discourses. New York [u.a.]: Routledge.

Oevermann, H. (2012). Über den Umgang mit dem industriellen Erbe. Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung städtischer Transformationsprozesse am Beispiel Zeche Zollverein. Essen.

Oevermann, H. & Mieg, H. (2012). Städtische Transformationen erforschen: Die Diskursanalyse im Bereich Denkmalschutz und Stadtentwicklung. In: Forum Stadt 3, S. 319-3.

Kaschuba, W. (2011). Wem gehört die Stadt? Für eine Re-Politisierung der Stadtgeschichte. In: Claudia Gemmeke/Franziska Nentwig (Hrsg.): Die Stadt und ihr Gedächtnis. Zur Zukunft der Stadtmuseen, Berlin, S. 17-25.

Oevermann, H. (2011). Erhaltung und Transformation von architektonischem Kulturerbe: Welterbediskurs und planerische Praxis auf Zeche Zollverein. In: Majken Bieniok/Harald Mieg/Astrid Sundsboe (Hrsg.): Georg Simmel und die aktuelle Stadtforschung. Interdisziplinäre Betrachtungen zu Dichte, Diversität und Dynamik der Großstadt, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, S. 277-297.


Emotions and the City

Margies, N. (2022) book review for: Threadgold, Steven (2020) Bourdieu and Affect. Towards a Theory of Affective Affinities. Bristol: Bristol University Press. In: Emotions & Society.

Margies, N. (2021) Emotions and social change. Feeling hysteresis in post-crisis Spain, Berlin: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


Infrastructures and Urban Development

Asante, L.A. & Helbrecht, I. (2020). The Urban Dimension of Chinese Infrastructure Finance in Africa: A Case of the Kotokuraba Market Project, Cape Coast, Ghana. In: Journal of Urban Affairs 42, No. 8, p. 1278-1298, DOI:

Blok, A., Farías, I. & Roberts, C. (2020). The Routledge companion to actor-network theory. London: Routledge.

Farías, I. (2020). Für eine Anthropologie des Urbanismus: Ethnographisch Städte bauen. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 116(2), 171-192.

Busch, M. & Farías, I. (2019). Don’t Fix the Puddle. Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough: Ethnographic Responses, 1, 115.

Mendes, C., Farías, I. & Varga, H. (2019). Zur Ko-Gestaltung "smarter Lösungen".

Farías, I. & Criado, T. S. (2018). Re-learning Design: Pedagogical Experiments with STS in Design Studio Courses. Diseña, (12), 14-29.

Farías, I. & Criado, T. S. (2018). Co-laborations, entrapments, intraventions: Pedagogical approaches to technical democracy in architectural design. Diseña, (12), 228-255.

Farías, I. (2018). Master plans as cosmograms: articulating oceanic forces and urban forms after the 2010 earthquake and tsunami in Chile. In Relational Planning (pp. 179-202). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Farías, I., Remter, F. & Keller, R. (2018). Circling the Square: Re-designing nature-cultures in a changing urban climate. EASST Review, 37(3).

Helbrecht, I. & F. Weber-Newth (2018). Recovering the politics of planning. Developer contributions and the contemporary housing question. In: city: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2018.1434301.

Margies, N. (2017). "Serving the private good through legal manoeuvrings – Urban mega-projects and state-mediated dispossession in Madrid", articulo – Journal of Urban Research.

Niewöhner, J. (2015). Infrastructures of Society (Anthropology of). In: James D. Wright (Hrsg.): International Encyclopedia ofthe Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition Vol 12, Oxford: Elsevier, S.119-125.

Niewöhner, J. (2015). Infrastrukturen der Nachhaltigkeit. In: Karl Braun/Claus-Marco Dietrich/Angela Treiber (Hrsg.): Materialisierung von Kultur. Diskurse, Dinge, Praktiken. Nürnberg: Königshausen & Neumann.

Mieg, H.A. & Oevermann, H. (2015). Planungsprozesse in der Stadt: die synchrone Diskursanalyse: Forschungsinstrument und Werkzeug für die planerische Praxis. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG.

Niewöhner, J. (2014). Perspektiven der Infrastrukturforschung: care-ful, relational, ko-laborativ. In: Matthias Wieser/Diana Lengersdorf (Hrsg.): Schlüsselwerke der Science and Technology Studies. Bielefeld: VS Verlag. S.341-352.
Kaschuba, W. (2013). Stadträume – Stadtträume. In: Werner Durth (Hrsg.): Stadt bauen. Symposium Integration und Transformation technischer Infrastrukturen in Stadt und Region, Berlin, S. 30-39.
Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C. & Schreiber, F. (2012). The Social Dimensions of Urban Transformation: Contemporary Diversity in Global North Cities and the Challenges for Urban Cohesion. In: Harald Mieg/Klaus Töpfer (Hrsg.): Institutional and Social Innovation For Sustainable Urban Development. Oxon: Routledge, S. 117-129.


Methods of Urban Research


Genz, C. & Tschoepe, A.Y. (2021). Ethnografie als Methodologie: Zur Erforschung von Räumen und Raumpraktiken. In: Heinrich, A-J./ S. Marguine/ A. Million / J. Stollmann (Hrsg.): Methoden der qualitativen Raumforschung. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Bielefeld: transcript.

Blokland, T., Krüger, D., Vief, R. & Schultze, H. (2021): Where we turn to. Rethinking networks, urban space and research methods. In: Angela Million, Christian Haid, Ignacio Castillo Ulloa and Nina Baur (Eds.), Spatial Transformations. London: Routledge.



Performative Urbanity


Kaschuba, W., Kleinen, D. & Kühn, C. (Hrsg.) (2015). Urbane Aushandlungen: Die Stadt als Aktionsraum. In: Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, Vol. 69. Berlin: Panama Verlag.

Helbrecht, I. & Dirksmeier, P. (2012). Stadt und Performanz. In: Harald Mieg/Christoph Heyl (Hrsg.): Stadt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart/Weimar: J.B. Metzler, S. 283-298.

Helbrecht, I. & Dirksmeier, P. (2012). Auf dem Weg zu einer Neuen Geographie der Architektur: Die Stadt als Bühne performativer Urbanität. In: Geographische Revue 14, Heft 1, S. 11-26.

Van Gielle Ruppe, P., Helbrecht, I. & Dirksmeier, P. (2012). Die Politisierung der Stadtplanung: Die performative Rolle von Planungsinstrumenten in Konfliktzonen am Beispiel Jerusalem. In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung 70, Heft 5, S. 411-424.

Kaschuba, W., Krebs, M. & Pilz, M. (Hrsg.) (2012). Die postsowjetische Stadt. Urbane Aushandlungsprozesse im Südkaukasus. In: Berliner Blätter. Ethnographische und ethnologische Beiträge, Sonderheft, vol. 59. Berlin: Panama Verlag.

Helbrecht, I. & Dirksmeier, P. (2011). Performative Urbanität – die dauerhaften Folgen flüchtiger Begegnungen in der Stadt. In: Wohnbund-Informationen 2 + 3, S. 25-27.



Public Space


Blokland, T. & Schultze, H. (2021). Nebenbei und Nebenan. Vertraute Öffentlichkeit in Berlin und Rotterdam. In: Martina Löw, Volkan Sayman, Jona Schwerer und Hannah Wolf (Hg.): Am Ende der Globalisierung. Über die Refiguration von Räumen. Bielefeld: Transcript, S. 363–386.

Schultze, H. (2020). "The Symbolic Construction of Community through Place." Pp. 285–93 in Routledge handbooks, The Routledge handbook of place, edited by T. Edensor, A. Kalandides, and U. Kothari. Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY: Routledge.

Schultze H. (2017). Kollektives Erinnern im konzeptionellen Dreieck von Raum, Norm und symbolischen Grenzziehungen am Beispiel des Berliner Stadtteils Prenzlauer Berg. In: Haag H., Heß P., Leonhard N. (eds) Volkseigenes Erinnern. Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen – Memory Studies. Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Blokland, T. & Schultze, H. (2017). Belonging, Conviviality or Public Familiarity? Making Sense of Urbanity in Rapidly Transforming Neighbourhoods through the Lens of Berlin and Rotterdam. In: Marta Smagacz-Poziemska, Krzysztof Frysztacki und Andrzej Bukowski (Hg.): Re-Imagining the City. Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, S. 243–264.

Blokland, T. & Hentschel, C. (2015). Life and Death of the Great Regeneration Vision: Diversity, Decay, and Upgrading in Berlin’s Ordinary Shopping Streets. In: Sharon Zukin, Philip Kasinitz und Xiangming Chen (Hg.): Global cities, local streets: Everyday diversity from New York to Shanghai. New York: Routledge.

Dirksmeier, P. & Helbrecht, I. (2015). Everyday urban encounters as stratification practices: analysing effects in micro-situations of power struggles. In: City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 19. Jg., Nr.4, S. 486-498.

Binken, S. & Blokland, T. (2013). Everyday Encounters in Public Spaces: Findings from Rotterdam and Utrecht. In: M. Kusenbach & K.E. Paulsen (Eds.), Home. International perspectives on culture, identity, and belonging. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, S. 270-293.

Dirksmeier, P., Helbrecht, I. & Mackrodt, U. (2013). Agonale Begegnungen: zur situativen Stratifizierung in der Interaktion zwischen Fremden im öffentlichen Raum. In: Elisa Bertuzzo/ Eszter Gantner/Jörg Niewöhner/Heike Oevermann (Hrsg.): Kontrolle öffentlicher Räume. Unterstützen. Unterdrücken. Unterhalten. Unterwandern. Berlin/Münster/Wien/Zürich/London, S. 57-68.

Gantner, E., Bertuzzo, E., Niewöhner, J. & Oevermann, H. (Hrsg.) (2013). Kontrolle öffentlicher Räume. Unterstützen, Unterdrücken, Unterhalten, Unterwandern. In der Reihe: Zeithorizonte, Berlin/Münster/Wien/Zürich/London.

Gantner, E., Bertuzzo, E.,Niewöhner, J. & Oevermann, H. (Hrsg.) (2013). What are you looking at? In: (Ebs.) Kontrolle öffentlicher Räume. Unterstützen, Unterdrücken, Unterhalten, Unterwandern. In der Reihe: Zeithorizonte. Berlin/Münster/Wien/Zürich/London, S. 7-16.

Kaschuba, W. (2013). Repräsentation im öffentlichen Raum, Wiederabdruck. In: Common. Journal für Kunst & Öffentlichkeit 02 Konjunktur und Krise? Zur gegenwärtigen Situation von Kunst und Öffentlichkeit.

Kaschuba, W. (2013). Vom Tahrir-Platz in Kairo zum Hermannplatz in Berlin: Urbane Räume als „Claims“ und „Commons“? Raumanthropologische Betrachtungen. In: Elisa Bertuzzo/Eszter Gantner/Jörg Niewöhner/Heike Oevermann (Hrsg.): Kontrolle öffentlicher Räume. Unterstützen. Unterdrücken. Unterhalten. Unterwandern, Berlin/Münster/Wien/Zürich/London, S. 20-56.

Binken, S. & Blokland, T. (2012). Why repressive politics towards urban youths do not make streets safe: four hypotheses. In: The Sociological Review, 60. Jg., Nr. 2, S. 292-311.

Darieva, T., Kaschuba, W. & Krebs, M. (Hrsg.) (2011). Urban Spaces after Socialism. Ethnographies of Public Spaces in Eurasian Cities. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag.

Dirksmeier, P., Mackrodt, U. & Helbrecht, I. (2011). Geographien der Begegnung. In: Geographische Zeitschrift, 99 Jg., Heft 2-3, S. 84-103.



Urban Ecology

Jasper, S. (2020). Acoustic botany: listening to nature in a former airfield, in Gandy, M. and Jasper, S. (eds.) The botanical city (Berlin: jovis), pp. 221-228.

Jasper, S. (2019). Acoustic ecologies: architecture, nature, and modernist experimentation in West Berlin. The Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

Jasper, S. (2019). Capturing Brachen: a geographical journey into filmmaking. The AAG Review of Books 7(3), pp. 215–217.

Jasper, S. (2019). Patina: A Profane Archaeology: Commentary by Sandra Jasper, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. The AAG Review of Books, 7(2), pp. 118–120.

Jasper, S. (2018). Sonic refugia: nature, noise-abatement, and landscape design in West Berlin. The Journal of Architecture 23 (6), pp. 936-960.

Gandy, M. & Jasper, S. (2017). Geography, materialism, and the neo-vitalist turn. Dialogues in Human Geography, v. 7, pp. 140-144.

Jasper, S. (2018). Review of Urban memory and visual culture in Berlin: Framing the asynchronous city, 1957–2012, by Simon Ward. German Studies Review, Vol. 41 (1), pp. 205-207.

Jasper, S. (2018). Ecological cadences. In Natura Urbana | The Brachen of Berlin (DVD booklet), pp. 7–10.

Niewöhner, J. (2014). Ökologien der Stadt. Zur Ethnographie bio- und geopolitischer Praxis. In: Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 110 Jg., Heft 2, S. 185-214.



City and Tourism


Sommer, C. & Kip, M. (2019). Commoning in new tourism areas. Co-performing evening socials at the Admiralbrücke in Berlin-Kreuzberg. Tourism and everyday life in the contemporary city, 211-231.

Füller, H. (2018). «Σταμάτα να είσαι τουρίστας!» Η νέα δυναμική του αστικού τουρισμού στο Kreuzberg του Βερολίνου.Kaboom 4, 155–188. (griechische Übersetzung 'Stop being a Tourist', Α. Μπάρλα)

Sommer, C. (2019). Weniger Marketing, Mehr Stadtentwicklung. Warum das Städtische Touristisch ist und das Stadttouristische nur als Stadtentwicklungsaufgabe bearbeitet werden kann. In: Bauwelt, Ausgabe 222.

Sommer, C., Stors, N., Stoltenberg, L. & Frisch, T. (2019). Entwicklungslinien und Perspektiven der New Urban Tourism-Forschung. In: Studien zur Freizeit und Tourismusforschung 15

Frisch, T., Sommer, C., Stoltenberg, L. & Stors, N. (2019). Tourism and Everyday Life in the Contemporary City, Abingdon / New York: Routledge.

Sommer, C. (2018). What Begins at the End of Urban Tourism, As We Know It?. In: Contemporary Urban Research in the European City - Europe Now (Issue 17 / May 2018).

Sommer, C. (2018). Stadttourismus neu denken. Worauf es bei der Arbeit an einem stadtverträglichen Tourismus ankommt. In: Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung, Nr. 2/2018.

Sommer, C. & Helbrecht, I. (2017). "Seeing like a tourist city: how administrative constructions of conflictive urban tourism shape its future". In: Journal of Tourism Futures, Vol. 3 Issue: 2, pp.157-170.

Sommer, C. (2016). Zahlenspiele. Rankings als Selbstvergewisserungsrituale im Wettbewerbshandeln städtischer Tourismusförderung. In: stadtform, Band Nr. 2, S. 22-23.

Dirksmeier, P. & Helbrecht, I. (2015). Resident perceptions of new urban tourism: a neglected geography of prejudice. In: Geography Compass 9, H. 5, S. 276-285. DOI: 10.1111/gec3.12201



Theory/Basics of Urban Research


Helbrecht, I. (2021). Place-based urban social geography – learning from David Ley. In. Canadian Geographer DOI: 10.1111/cag.12663

Landau, F., Pohl, L. & Roskamm, N. (Eds.). (2021). [Un]Grounding: Post-foundational Geographies. Wiesbaden: transcript.

Pohl, L. (2021). Rem(a)inders of Loss: A Lacanian Approach to New Urban Ruins. In: C. O’Callaghan & C. Di Feliciantonio (Eds.): The New Urban Ruins: Vacancy, urban politics, and international experiments in the post-crisis city. Bristol: Policy Press.

Pohl, L., & Landau, F. (2021). Ruined museums: Exploring post-foundational spatiality, ephemera: theory & politics in organization 21(1): 197-228.

Pohl, L., & Swyngedouw, E. (2021). ‘What does not work in the world’: the specter of Lacan in critical political thought. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory,1-19.

Genz, C. (2020): Stadt ethnographisch erforschen: Potenziale reflexiver Positionalität, sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 8(3), S. 11–30.

Pohl, L. (2020). Ruins of Gaia: Towards a Feminine Ontology of the Anthropocene. Theory, Culture & Society, 37(6), 67-86.

Pohl, L. (2019). Das urbane Unbewusste: Psychoanalyse und kritische Stadtforschung. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 7(3), 47-64.

Genz, C. & Lucas-Drogan, D. (2017). Decoding mapping as practice: an interdisciplinary approach in architecture and urban anthropology. In: Urban Transcripts - The Journal. Vol. 1 (4). ISSN 2514-5339.

Binder, B. & Färber, A. (2016). Phillippe Bourgois: Insearch of Respect. Selling Crack in El Barrio. In: Eckardt, Frank (Hrsg.), Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Oevermann, H. (2016). Rem Kooolhaas: Delirious New York. In: Eckardt, Frank (Hrsg.), Schlüsselwerke der Stadtforschung, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Mieg, H. A. & Oevermann, H. (Hrsg.) (2015). Planungsprozesse in der Stadt: Die synchrone Diskursanalyse. Forschungsinstrument und Werkzeug für die planerische Praxis. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag.

Niewöhner, J. (2015). Infrastructure. In: International Encyclopaedia for the social Behavioural Sciences 2, (online).

Harding, A. & Blokland, T. (2014). Urban Theory: A critical introduction. London: Sage.

Niewöhner, J. (2014). Raum aus anthropologischer Perspektive. In: Jürgen Oßenbrügge/Anne Vogelpohl (Hrsg.): Theorien in der Raum- und Stadtforschung – Eine Einführung, Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot, S. 14-23.

Harding, A. & Blokland, T. (2014). Urban Theory: A critical introduction. London: Sage.

Helbrecht, I. (2013). Urbanität und Ruralität. In: Julia Lossau/Roland Lippuner/Tim Freytag (Hrsg.): Schlüsselbegriffe der Kultur- und Sozialgeographie, Stuttgart 2013.

Mieg, H. A. & Heyl, C. (Hrsg.) (2013). Stadt. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart/Weimar.

Kaschuba, W. (2011). Urbanisierung. In: Fernand Kreff/Eva-Maria Knoll/Andre Gingrich (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Globalisierung, Bielefeld: transcript, S. 405-407.

Mieg, H. A., Sundsboe, A. O. & Bieniok, M. (Hrsg.) (2011). Georg Simmel und die aktuelle Stadtforschung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Blokland, T. (2010). Production of Space. In: B. Warf (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Geography, London: Sage , S. 2297-2298.



Inequality and Segregation


Blokland, T. & Vief, R. (2021). Making Sense of Segregation in a Well-Connected City: The Case of Berlin. Urban Socio-Economic Segregation and Income Inequality, 249.

Blokland, T. & Šerbedžija, V. (2020). Feeling Safe, Defining Crime and Urban Youth in Berlin’s Inner City: An Exploration of the Construction of ‘Unsafety’and ‘Youth’as Symbolic Violence. In Inequality and Uncertainty (pp. 161-183). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Blokland, T. (2019). They got a project mentality’: Theorizing neighborhood dis-identi-fication and the paradox of belonging through the lens of ‘the Ghetto. DIE ERDE, 150, 2.

Blokland, T. (2019). ‘We live like prisoners in a camp’: Surveillance, Governance and Agency in a US Housing Project. In Class, Ethnicity and State in the Polarized Metropolis (pp. 53-79). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Blokland T. & Juhnke, S. (2019). Between 'creative’ boost and political dysfunction: An exploration of class, culture and economic dislocation in East Berlin. In: Journal of Urban Cultural Studies 6(2): 241-264.

Blokland, T. & Šerbedžija, V. (2018). Gewohnt ist nicht normal. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Enßle, F. & Helbrecht, I. (2018). Ungleichheit, Intersektionalität und Alter (n)–für eine räumliche Methodologie in der Ungleichheitsforschung. Geographica Helvetica, 73(3), 227-239.

Helbrecht, I. (ed.) (2018). Gentrification and Resistance. Researching displacement processes and adaptation strategies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Margies, N. (2017). Serving the private good through legal manoeuvrings. In: Journal of Urban Research.

Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Eds.) (2016). Creating the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Blokland, T. & de Große-Löscher, G. (2016). Cheating the System to Get the Best for One’s Kids: Middle Class Practices and Racist Marginalization. In: Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Eds.) (2015) Creating the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Giustozzi, C., T. Blokland & N. Freitag (2016). Secluding: Middle Class Segregation in Schools and Neighbourhoods. In: Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Eds.) (2016) Creating the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Blokland, T. (2014). Subcity. Processes of social isolation in a gentrifying city. Manuskript bei der Yale University Press eingereicht.

Blokland, T., Giustozzi, C., Krüger, D. & Schilling, H. (Hrsg.) (2014). Doing the Unequal City: The exclusionary consequences of everyday routines in Berlin. Farnham: Ashgate.

Barwick, C. & Blokland, T. (2014). Segregation durch Diskriminierung auf dem Wohnungsmarkt. In: Marschke & Brinkmann (Hrsg.): „Ich habe nichts gegen Ausländer, aber …“.

Blokland, T. (2012). Blaming neither the Undeserving poor nor the revanchist middle class: a relational approach to Marginalization. In: Urban Geography, 33. Jg., Nr. 4, S. 488-507.

Blokland, T. & Van Eijk, G. (2012). Do People Who Like Diversity Practice Diversity in Neighbourhood Life? Neighbourhood Use and the Social Networks of ‘Diversity-Seekers’ in a Mixed Neighbourhood in the Netherlands. In: Gideon Bolt et al. (Hrsg.): Linking Integration and Residential Segregation. New York/London: Routledge, S. 313-332.

Blokland, T. & Van Eijk, G. (2012). Mixture without mating: partial gentrification in the case of Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In: Gary Bridge/Tim Butler/Loretta Lees (Hrsg.): Mixed communities: Gentrification by stealth? Bristol: The Policy Press, S. 294-318.

Helbrecht, I. (2011). Neue Abschottungsbedürfnisse und Sozialer Friede: Veränderte Formen der Segregation im Zeitalter der Wissensökonomie. In: RegioPol. Zeitschrift für Regionalwirtschaft 8, Heft 1+2, S. 139-144.



Urban Citizenship and Migration



Hillmann, F., & Koca, B. T. (2021). “By women, for women, and with women”: on the integration of highly qualified female refugees into the labour Markets of Berlin and Brandenburg. Comparative Migration Studies, 9(1), 1-18.

Hillmann, F. (2020). B. 2.2 Migration und Stadtentwicklung–Lost in Governance. In Stadtsoziologie und Stadtentwicklung (pp. 171-182). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Hillmann, F., Okine, R. K., & Borri, G. (2020). “Because migration begins from the villages”: environmental change within the narrations of the Ewe diaspora. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43(16), 39-56.

Hillmann, F., & Pang, C. L. (2020). Migration-led Regeneration. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 12(1), i-xii.

Hillmann, F. (2019). MIGRATION AND URBAN REGENERATION. In Social Innovation as Political Transformation. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sommerfeld, S., & Hillmann, F. (2019). Blick nach vorne in welche Richtung? Stadtentwicklung für und mit Geflüchteten im Praxistest in Berlin-Marzahn und Berlin-Gropiusstadt. Stadtforschung und Statistik: Zeitschrift des Verbandes Deutscher Städtestatistiker, 32(2), 69-76.

Hillmann, F., & Calbet, L. (2019). Zwischen Realitätsverweigerung und Pragmatismus: Migration-led regeneration in Genua und Manchester. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 77(6), 549-565.

Hillmann, F. (2018). Migration ist die Essenz von Urbanität in den europäischen Städten. Urbanität im, 21, 81-95.

Hillmann, F., & Alpermann, H. (2018). Cities and Cultural Diversity: Facts–Positions–Strategies.

Hillmann, F., Van Naerssen, T., & Spaan, E. (Eds.). (2018). Trajectories and imaginaries in migration: The migrant actor in transnational space. Routledge.

Kron, S., & Lebuhn, H. (2020). Building solidarity cities: from protest to policy. In Fostering Pluralism through Solidarity Activism in Europe (pp. 81-105). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Lebuhn, H. (2019). Insurgent Citizenship. The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, 1-6.

Porter, L., Sanyal, R., Bergby, S., Yotebieng, K., Lebuhn, H., Ramírez, M. M., ... & Tulumello, S. (2019). Borders and Refuge: Citizenship, Mobility and Planning in a Volatile World. Planning Theory & Practice, 20(1), 99-128.

Lebuhn, H. (2018). Stadtbürgerschaft „Light “: Migration und Vielfalt in der neoliberalen Stadt. PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft, 48(191), 325-333.

Vogelpohl, A., Michel, B., Lebuhn, H., Hoerning, J., & Belina, B. (2018). Raumproduktionen II. Theoretische Kontroversen und politische Auseinandersetzungen. Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.

Lebuhn, H. (2018). Migration und Stadt.

Blokland, T. & Nast, J. (2014). From public familiarity to comfort zone: The relevance of absent ties for belonging in mixed neighborhoods. In: International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38. Jg., Nr. 4, S. 1142-1159.

Römhild, R. (2014). Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Perspektiven für eine kritischen Migrationsforschung. Berlin: Panama.

Blokland, T. & Li, S. (2013). Chinatown’s Spatiality, Ethnic Community and Civic Engagement: Amsterdam and Berlin Compared. In: J. Dahlvik, C. Reinprecht, & W. Sievers (Eds.): Migration und Integration – wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich. Jahrbuch 2/2013, Wien: Vienna Uniersity Press, S. 239–260

Blokland, T. & Van Eijk, G. (2012). Do People Who Like Diversity Practice Diversity in Neighbourhood Life? Neighbourhood Use and the Social Networks of ‘Diversity-Seekers’ in a Mixed Neighbourhood in the Netherlands. In: Gideon Bolt et al. (Hrsg.): Linking Integration and Residential Segregation. New York/London: Routledge, S. 313-332

Blokland, T. (2011).Even when I see the real scoundrel around here, I don’t feel unsafe’. On neighbourhood diversity, conflicts, and safety. In: Heike Herrmann et al. (Hrsg.): Die Besonderheit des Städtischen. Über das Besondere der Stadt und der Stadtkultur. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, S. 176-193.

Kaschuba, W. (2011). Stadt „ist" Migration: Überlegungen zur „Berliner Route". In: Der Beauftragte des Senats für Integration und Migration (Hrsg.): Stadt ist Migration. Die Berliner Route der Migration – Grundlagen, Kommentare, Skizzen, Berlin, S. 27-31.

Römhild, R. (2011). Global Heimat. Der Alltag junger Migranten in den Widersprüchen der Einwanderungsgesellschaft. In: Wolf-Dietrich Bukow u.a. (Hrsg.): Neue Vielfalt in der urbanen Stadtgesellschaft. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, S. 21-32.



Urban Culture


Blokland, T., & Juhnke, S. (2019). Between'creative'boost and political dysfunction: An exploration of class, culture and economic dislocation in East Berlin. Journal of Urban Cultural Studies, 6(2-3), 241-264.

Pohl, L. (2019). The sublime object of Detroit. Social & Cultural Geography, 1-17.

Blokland, T. (2018). On roots and routes. In: Ferro L. et al. (Eds.) Moving Cities: Contested Views on Urban Life. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 29-42.

Schultze, H. (2017). Die Grenzen sozialer und räumlicher Zugehörigkeit. Dissertation. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Berlin.

Blokland, T. & Schultze, H. (2017). Belonging, Conviviality or Public Familiarity? Making Sense of Urbanity in Rapidly Transforming Neighbourhoods through the Lens of Berlin and Rotterdam. In: Smargacz-Poziemska, M.; Frysztacki, K., Bokowski, A. (Eds.) (2017): City. Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective. pp. 243-264.

Dellenbaugh, M., Kip, M., Bieniok, M., Müller, A. K. & Schwegmann, M. (Hrsg.) (2015). Urban Commons. Moving Beyond State and Market. Basel/Berlin/Boston: Bau Verlag.

Dirksmeier, P. & Helbrecht, I. (2015). Resident perceptions of new urban tourism: a neglected geography of prejudice. In: Geography Compass, 9 Jg., Nr. 5, S. 276-285.

Kaschuba, W. (2013). Urbane Kulturtransfers: Globale Stile, mediale Bühnen, lokale Räume. In: Eszter Gantner/Péter Varga (Hrsg.): Transfer – Interdisziplinär! Akteure, Topographien und Praxen des Wissenstransfers, Frankfurt/Main, S. 211-234.

Klausner, M. & Niewöhner, J. (Hrsg.) (2012). Psychiatrie im Kiez. Alltagspraxis in den Institutionen der gemeindepsychiatrischen Versorgung. Berlin: Panama Verlag.

Kaschuba, W. (2012). Berlin Street Life: Scenes and Scenarios. In: Dorothee Brantz/Sasha Disko/Georg Wagner-Kyora (Hrsg.): Thick Space. Approaches to Metropolitanism, Bielefeld: transcript, S. 239-256.

Kaschuba, W. (2012). Berliner und Urberliner: Zur Tribalisierung des Urbanen. In: Franziska Nentwig/Dominik Bartmann (Hrsg.): BERLIN_macher. 775 Portraits – ein Netzwerk, Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Bielefeld/Berlin: Kerber Verlag, S. 158-167.

Blokland, T. (2011).Even when I see the real scoundrel around here, I don’t feel unsafe’. On neighbourhood diversity, conflicts, and safety. In: Heike Herrmann et al. (Hrsg.): Die Besonderheit des Städtischen. Über das Besondere der Stadt und der Stadtkultur. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, S. 176-193.

Helbrecht, I. (2011). Die „Neue Intoleranz“ der Kreativen Klasse. Veränderungen in der Stadtkultur durch das Arbeitsethos der flexiblen Ökonomie. In: Florian Koch/Oliver Frey (Hrsg.): Die Zukunft der europäischen Stadt. Stadtpolitik, Stadtplanung und Stadtgesellschaft im Wandel, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag, S. 119-135.

Kaschuba, W. (2011). Öffentliche Kultur – Kommunikation, Deutung und Bedeutung. In: Friedrich Jaeger/Burkhard Liebsch (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Kulturwissenschaften. Grundlagen und Schlüsselbegriffe, Stuttgart, S. 128-138.

Kaschuba, W. (2011). Be-wohnte Dinge. In: Andreas Hartmann [u.a.] (Hrsg.): Die Macht der Dinge. Symbolische Kommunikation und kulturelles Handeln. Festschrift für Ruth-Elisabeth Mohrmann, Münster, S. 308-316.



Urban Politics

Beveridge, R., & Koch, P. (2019). Urban everyday politics: Politicising practices and the transformation of the here and now. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(1), 142-157.

Beveridge, R., & Koch, P. (2019). Contesting austerity, de-centring the state: Anti-politics and the political horizon of the urban. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2399654419871299.

Beveridge, R., & Koch, P. (2019). Depoliticization and urban politics: moving beyond the “post-political” city. In Comparing Strategies of (De) Politicisation in Europe (pp. 189-208). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.



Urban Health & Care


Genz, C., Pohl, L., Dobrusskin, J., & Helbrecht, I. (2021). Geopolitical Caesuras as Time-Space-Anchors of Ontological (In)security: The Case of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. Geopolitics. DOI: 10.1080/14650045.2021.1912021

Gómez, D. L., & Criado, T. S. (2021). Civilising technologies for an ageing society? The performativity of participatory methods in Socio-gerontechnology. Interdisciplinary Critical Studies of Ageing and Technology, 85.

Krüger, D., Margies, N., Vief, R. ,& T. Blokland (2021). "Digital care: How social support during the Covid19 pandemic shifted to the digital and our worries became 'surplus value' ", Blog SFB 1261 Re-Figuration von Räumen., 85.

Duclos, V., & Criado, T. S. (2020). Care in trouble: ecologies of support from below and Beyond. Medical anthropology quarterly, 34(2), 153-173.

Enßle, F., & Helbrecht, I. (2020). Understanding diversity in later life through images of old age. Ageing & Society, 1-20.

Enßle, F., Dirksmeier, P., & Helbrecht, I. (2020). Does spatial proximity supplant family ties? Exploring the role of neighborly support for older people in diverse, aging cities. Urban Geography, 1-20.

Enßle, F., & Kabisch, N. (2020). Urban green spaces for the social interaction, health and well-being of older people—An integrated view of urban ecosystem services and socio-environmental justice. Environmental science & policy, 109, 36-44.

Enßle-Reinhardt, F. (2020). Alter(n), Diversität und Stadtgesellschaft.

Füller, H. (2020). Die Logik des Ausbruchs. Formierung von Covid-19 durch Krisenbearbeitungsweisen. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung 8, Nr. 3: 165--182. (DOI: 10.36900/suburban.v8i3.615). (mit Iris Dzudzek)

Genz, C. (2020). Wohnen, Alter und Protest. Eine Ethnographie städtischer Protest- und Netzwerkpraktiken von Senior_innen. Springer VS Research: Wiesbaden GmbH.

Krüger, D. (2020). Josh Seim 2020: Bandage, Sort, and Hustle: Ambulance Crews on the Front Lines of Urban Suffering. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 44(5), 942-943.

Pohl, L., Genz, C., Helbrecht, I. & Dobrusskin, J. (2020): Need for shelter, demand for housing, desire for home: a psychoanalytic reading of home-making in Vancouver, Housing Studies, pp. 1–18.

Haacke, H. C., Enßle, F., Haase, D., Helbrecht, I., & Lakes, T. (2019). Why do(n’t) people move when they get older? Estimating the willingness to relocate in diverse ageing cities.

Genz, C. (2018). Retiree Rebels: Urban Resistance in the age of 80, in: Bürgin, Reto; Schoch, Aline (Hg.): Urbane Widerstände - Urban Resistance. Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles et al.: Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (Social Strategies, Vol. 52), pp. 159- 180.

Lennartz, C. & Helbrecht, I. (2018). Housing Careers and Intergenerational Support for Homeownership in Germany’s ‘Society of Renters’. Housing Studies. DOI:

Seidelsohn, K., Voss, M., & Krüger, D. (2018). Researching Milieu-Specific Perceptions of Risk,(in) Security, and Vulnerability—A Conceptual Approach for Understanding the Inequality and Segregation Nexus in Urban Spaces. Urban Disaster Resilience and Security (pp. 361-381). Springer, Cham.

Füller, H. (2016). Pandemic cities. Effects of changing infection control in post-SARS Hong Kong. Geographical Journal 82(4), 342—352 (DOI: 10.1111/geoj.12179).





Bernt, M., & Holm, A. (2020). Die Ostdeutschlandforschung muss das Wohnen in den Blick nehmen: Plädoyer für eine neue politisch-institutionelle Perspektive auf ostdeutsche Städte. sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 8(3), 97-114.

Holm, A. (2020). Gentrification in ostdeutschen Städten. In Regionalentwicklung in Ostdeutschland (pp. 309-320). Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Holm, A. (2020). Wohnen. In Gesundheit als gesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe (pp. 223-234). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Holm, A. (2020). 2. Berlin: Mehr Licht als Schatten. Wohnungspolitikunter Rot-Rot-Grün. In Lokale Wohnungspolitik(pp. 43-64). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.

Holm, A. (2019). „Es macht einfach Sinn!”: Kommentar zu Neil Smiths „Für eine Theorie der Gentrifizierung:‚Zurück in die Stadt ‘als Bewegung des Kapitals, nicht der Menschen “(2019 [1979]). sub\urban. zeitschrift für kritische stadtforschung, 7(3), 119-124.

Awan, N., Bock, C., Hasbun Chavarría, Y., Hamann, U., Holm, A., Kaltenborn, S., ... & Stollmann, J. (2018). Das Kotti-Prinzip. Ruby Press.

Holm, A., Junker, S., & Neitzel, K. (2018). Wem nutzen wohnungspolitische Maßnahmen? Mengeneffekte und soziale Reichweite beim Wohngeld, der Wohnraumförderung und der Mietpreisbremse in 77 deutschen Großstädten (No. 093). Working Paper Forschungsförderung.

Holm, A., Lebuhn, H., Junker, S., & Neitzel, K. (2018). Wie viele und welche Wohnungen fehlen in deutschen Großstädten? Die soziale Versorgungslücke nach Einkommen und Wohnungsgröße (No. 063). Working Paper Forschungsförderung.

Helbrecht, I. (2016). Gentrifizierung in Berlin: Verdrängungsprozesse und Bleibestrategien. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag

Blokland, T. & Barwick, C. (2015). Segregation durch Diskriminierung auf dem Wohnungsmarkt. In: Britta Marschke/Heinz Ulrich Brinkmann (Hrsg.): „Ich habe nichts gegen Ausländer, aber …", Berlin: Lit Verlag, S. 229-246.

Helbrecht, I. (2012). Wohneigentum statt Rente? Demographischer Wandel und Altersvorsorge in acht europäischen Ländern im Vergleich. In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 2, S. 197-210.

Helbrecht, I. &Geilenkeuser, T. (2012). Demographischer Wandel, Generationeneffekte und Wohnungsmarktentwicklung – Wohneigentum als Altersvorsorge? In: Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 70 Jg., Nr. 5, S. 425-436.

Helbrecht, I. & Geilenkeuser, T. (2012). The Mortgage Market in Germany: Character and Trends. In: Susan J. Smith (Hrsg.): International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home. Oxford, S. 445-450.

Jones, A., Geilenkeuser, T., Helbrecht, I. & Quilgars, D. (2012). Demographic change and retirement planning: Comparing households’ views on the role of housing equity in Germany and the UK. In: International Journal of Housing Policy, 12 Jg., Nr. 1, S. 27-45.


Work and the City


Knaus, K., Margies, N., & H. Schilling (2021). "Thinking the City through Work: Blurring Boundaries of Production and Reproduction in the Age of Digital Capitalism", CITY, 25(3-4), 303-314.

Schilling, H., Blokland, T. & Simone, A. (2019). Working precarity: Urban youth tactics to make livelihoods in instable conditions in Abidjan, Athens, Berlin and Jakarta. The Sociological Review, 67(6), 1333-1349.

Schilling, H. & Dembele, O. (2019). Young mobile phone entrepreneurs in Abidjan: Entrepreneurial social ties at the service of economic exploitation. Politique africaine, (1), 181-201.


Civil Society


Blokland, T. (2017). Community as Urban Practice. Oxford: Polity Press.

Mackrodt, U. & Helbrecht, I. (2013). Performative Bürgerbeteiligung als neue Form kooperativer Freiraumplanung. In: disP – The Planning Review, 49 Jg., Nr. 4, S. 14-24.

Kaschuba, W. (2012). Laborraum Hauptstadt. Identitätspolitik und Zivilgesellschaft im Südkaukasus. In: Wolfgang Kaschuba/Melanie Krebs/Madlen Pilz (Hrsg.): Die postsowjetische Stadt. Urbane Aushandlungsprozesse im Südkaukasus. Berliner Blätter. Sonderheft 59/2012, Berlin: Panama Verlag, S. 7-16.

Blokland, T., El-Kayed, N. & Büchy, J. (2012). Beyond formal rights: challenges to political participation. In: Dziewulska, Agata/Ostrowska, Anna (Hrsg.): New neighbors - on the diversity of migrant's political involvement, Warsaw: Center of Europe, University of Warsaw 2012, S. 151-166.

Horak, M. & Blokland, T. (2012). Neighborhood and Civic Practice. In: Karen Mossberger/Susan E. Clarke/Peter John (Hrsg.): The Oxford Handbook of Urban Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, S. 254-272.